namespace properties "This namespace contains helper entities for property and property/template endpoints." alias TemplateId = String(min_length=1,pattern="(/|ptid:).*") struct PropertyGroupTemplate "Describes property templates that can be filled and associated with a file." name String "A display name for the property template. Property template names can be up to 256 bytes." description String "Description for new property template. Property template descriptions can be up to 1024 bytes." fields List(PropertyFieldTemplate) "This is a list of custom properties associated with a property template. There can be up to 64 properties in a single property template." example default name = "Security" description = "These properties describe how confidential this file is." fields = [default] struct PropertyFieldTemplate "Describe a single property field type which that can be part of a property template." name String "This is the name or key of a custom property in a property template. File property names can be up to 256 bytes." description String "This is the description for a custom property in a property template. File property description can be up to 1024 bytes." type PropertyType "This is the data type of the value of this property. This type will be enforced upon property creation and modifications." example default name = "Security Policy" description = "This is the security policy of the file or folder described. Policies can be Confidential, Public or Internal." type = default union ModifyPropertyTemplateError extends PropertyTemplateError conflicting_property_names "A property field name already exists in the template." too_many_properties "There are too many properties in the changed template. The maximum number of properties per template is 32." too_many_templates "There are too many templates for the team." template_attribute_too_large "The template name, description or field names is too large." union PropertyTemplateError template_not_found TemplateId "Property template does not exist for given identifier." restricted_content "You do not have the permissions to modify this property template." struct PropertyGroup "Collection of custom properties in filled property templates." template_id TemplateId "A unique identifier for a property template type." fields List(PropertyField) "This is a list of custom properties associated with a file. There can be up to 32 properties for a template." example default template_id = "ptid:1a5n2i6d3OYEAAAAAAAAAYa" fields = [default] struct PropertyField name String "This is the name or key of a custom property in a property template. File property names can be up to 256 bytes." value String "Value of a custom property attached to a file. Values can be up to 1024 bytes." example default name = "Security Policy" value = "Confidential" union PropertyType "Data type of the given property added. This endpoint is in beta and only properties of type strings is supported." string "The associated property will be of type string. Unicode is supported." example default string = null # # Shared struct used for /template/list and /template/get # struct GetPropertyTemplateArg template_id TemplateId "An identifier for property template added by route properties/template/add." example default template_id = "ptid:1a5n2i6d3OYEAAAAAAAAAYa" struct GetPropertyTemplateResult extends PropertyGroupTemplate "The Property template for the specified template." example default name = "Security" description = "These properties describe how confidential this file is." fields = [default] struct ListPropertyTemplateIds template_ids List(TemplateId) "List of identifiers for templates added by route properties/template/add." example default template_ids = ["ptid:1a5n2i6d3OYEAAAAAAAAAYa"]