namespace sharing import common import files import users alias PathOrId = String(pattern="((\/|id:).*|nspath:[0-9]+:.*)|ns:[0-9]+(/.*)?", min_length=1) alias FileId = String(pattern="id:.*", min_length=1) ########################################### # Generic route error related definitions # ########################################### union SharingUserError "User account had a problem preventing this action." email_unverified "The current user must verify the account e-mail address before performing this action." union SharingFileAccessError "User could not access this file." no_permission "Current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform the desired action." invalid_file "File specified was not found." is_folder "A folder can't be shared this way. Use folder sharing or a shared link instead." inside_public_folder "A file inside a public folder can't be shared this way. Use a public link instead." inside_osx_package "A Mac OS X package can't be shared this way. Use a shared link instead." union FileErrorResult file_not_found_error files.Id "File specified by id was not found." invalid_file_action_error files.Id "User does not have permission to take the specified action on the file." permission_denied_error files.Id "User does not have permission to access file specified by file.Id." ############################################# # File metadata and permissions definitions # ############################################# union FileAction "Sharing actions that may be taken on files." disable_viewer_info "Disable viewer information on the file." edit_contents "Change or edit contents of the file." enable_viewer_info "Enable viewer information on the file." invite_viewer "Add a member with view permissions." invite_viewer_no_comment "Add a member with view permissions but no comment permissions." unshare "Stop sharing this file." relinquish_membership "Relinquish one's own membership to the file." share_link "This action is deprecated. Use create_link instead." create_link "Create a shared link to the file." example default edit_contents = null struct FilePermission "Whether the user is allowed to take the sharing action on the file." action FileAction "The action that the user may wish to take on the file." allow Boolean "True if the user is allowed to take the action." reason PermissionDeniedReason? "The reason why the user is denied the permission. Not present if the action is allowed." example default action = edit_contents allow = false reason = user_not_same_team_as_owner struct SharedFileMetadata "Properties of the shared file." access_type AccessLevel? "The current user's access level for this shared file." id FileId "The ID of the file." expected_link_metadata ExpectedSharedContentLinkMetadata? "The expected metadata of the link associated for the file when it is first shared. Absent if the link already exists. This is for an unreleased feature so it may not be returned yet." link_metadata SharedContentLinkMetadata? "The metadata of the link associated for the file. This is for an unreleased feature so it may not be returned yet." name String "The name of this file." owner_team users.Team? "The team that owns the file. This field is not present if the file is not owned by a team." parent_shared_folder_id common.SharedFolderId? "The ID of the parent shared folder. This field is present only if the file is contained within a shared folder." path_display String? "The cased path to be used for display purposes only. In rare instances the casing will not correctly match the user's filesystem, but this behavior will match the path provided in the Core API v1. Absent for unmounted files." path_lower String? "The lower-case full path of this file. Absent for unmounted files." permissions List(FilePermission)? "The sharing permissions that requesting user has on this file. This corresponds to the entries given in :field:`GetFileMetadataBatchArg.actions` or :field:`GetFileMetadataArg.actions`." policy FolderPolicy "Policies governing this shared file." preview_url String "URL for displaying a web preview of the shared file." time_invited common.DropboxTimestamp? "Timestamp indicating when the current user was invited to this shared file. If the user was not invited to the shared file, the timestamp will indicate when the user was invited to the parent shared folder. This value may be absent." example default policy = default permissions = [] owner_team = default preview_url = "" path_lower = "/dir/file.txt" path_display = "/dir/file.txt" name = "file.txt" id = "id:3kmLmQFnf1AAAAAAAAAAAw" time_invited = "2016-01-20T00:00:00Z" access_type = viewer union ViewerInfoPolicy enabled "Viewer information is available on this file." disabled "Viewer information is disabled on this file." ################################## # File membership mutation types # ################################## struct FileMemberActionResult "Per-member result for :route:`add_file_member` or :route:`change_file_member_access`." member MemberSelector "One of specified input members." result FileMemberActionIndividualResult "The outcome of the action on this member." union_closed FileMemberActionIndividualResult success AccessLevel? "Member was successfully removed from this file. If AccessLevel is given, the member still has access via a parent shared folder." member_error FileMemberActionError "User was not able to perform this action." example default success = null union FileMemberRemoveActionResult success MemberAccessLevelResult "Member was successfully removed from this file." member_error FileMemberActionError "User was not able to remove this member." union AddFileMemberError "Errors for :route:`add_file_member`." user_error SharingUserError access_error SharingFileAccessError rate_limit "The user has reached the rate limit for invitations." invalid_comment "The custom message did not pass comment permissions checks." union RemoveFileMemberError "Errors for :route:`remove_file_member_2`." user_error SharingUserError access_error SharingFileAccessError no_explicit_access MemberAccessLevelResult "This member does not have explicit access to the file and therefore cannot be removed. The return value is the access that a user might have to the file from a parent folder." union FileMemberActionError invalid_member "Specified member was not found." no_permission "User does not have permission to perform this action on this member." access_error SharingFileAccessError "Specified file was invalid or user does not have access." no_explicit_access MemberAccessLevelResult "The action cannot be completed because the target member does not have explicit access to the file. The return value is the access that the member has to the file from a parent folder." ##################### # Route Definitions # ##################### route add_file_member(AddFileMemberArgs, List(FileMemberActionResult), AddFileMemberError) "Adds specified members to a file." attrs owner = "sharing" allow_app_folder_app = true struct AddFileMemberArgs "Arguments for :route:`add_file_member`." file PathOrId "File to which to add members." members List(MemberSelector) "Members to add. Note that even an email address is given, this may result in a user being directy added to the membership if that email is the user's main account email." custom_message String? "Message to send to added members in their invitation." quiet Boolean = false "Whether added members should be notified via device notifications of their invitation." access_level AccessLevel = viewer "AccessLevel union object, describing what access level we want to give new members." add_message_as_comment Boolean = false "If the custom message should be added as a comment on the file." example default file = "id:3kmLmQFnf1AAAAAAAAAAAw" members = [default] custom_message = "This is a custom message about ACME.doc" quiet = false access_level = viewer # -- route change_file_member_access(ChangeFileMemberAccessArgs, FileMemberActionResult, FileMemberActionError) deprecated by update_file_member "Identical to update_file_member but with less information returned." attrs owner = "sharing" allow_app_folder_app = true struct ChangeFileMemberAccessArgs "Arguments for :route:`change_file_member_access`." file PathOrId "File for which we are changing a member's access." member MemberSelector "The member whose access we are changing." access_level AccessLevel "The new access level for the member." example default file = "id:3kmLmQFnf1AAAAAAAAAAAw" member = default access_level = viewer struct UpdateFileMemberArgs extends ChangeFileMemberAccessArgs "Arguments for :route:`update_file_member`." example default file = "id:3kmLmQFnf1AAAAAAAAAAAw" member = default access_level = viewer route update_file_member(UpdateFileMemberArgs, MemberAccessLevelResult, FileMemberActionError) "Changes a member's access on a shared file." attrs owner = "sharing" allow_app_folder_app = true # -- route get_file_metadata(GetFileMetadataArg, SharedFileMetadata, GetFileMetadataError) "Returns shared file metadata." attrs owner = "sharing" api_group = "truelink-alpha" allow_app_folder_app = true struct GetFileMetadataArg "Arguments of :route:`get_file_metadata`." file PathOrId "The file to query." actions List(FileAction)? "A list of `FileAction`s corresponding to `FilePermission`s that should appear in the response's :field:`SharedFileMetadata.permissions` field describing the actions the authenticated user can perform on the file." example default file = "id:3kmLmQFnf1AAAAAAAAAAAw" actions = [] union GetFileMetadataError "Error result for :route:`get_file_metadata`." user_error SharingUserError access_error SharingFileAccessError # -- route get_file_metadata/batch(GetFileMetadataBatchArg, List(GetFileMetadataBatchResult), SharingUserError) "Returns shared file metadata." attrs owner = "sharing" allow_app_folder_app = true struct GetFileMetadataBatchArg "Arguments of :route:`get_file_metadata/batch`." files List(PathOrId, max_items=100) "The files to query." actions List(FileAction)? "A list of `FileAction`s corresponding to `FilePermission`s that should appear in the response's :field:`SharedFileMetadata.permissions` field describing the actions the authenticated user can perform on the file." example default files = ["id:3kmLmQFnf1AAAAAAAAAAAw","id:VvTaJu2VZzAAAAAAAAAADQ"] actions = [] struct GetFileMetadataBatchResult "Per file results of :route:`get_file_metadata/batch`." file PathOrId "This is the input file identifier corresponding to one of :field:`GetFileMetadataBatchArg.files`." result GetFileMetadataIndividualResult "The result for this particular file." example default file = "id:3kmLmQFnf1AAAAAAAAAAAw" result = default example file_error file = "id:3kmLmQFnf1AAAAAAAAAAAw" result = file_error union GetFileMetadataIndividualResult metadata SharedFileMetadata "The result for this file if it was successful." access_error SharingFileAccessError "The result for this file if it was an error." example default metadata = default example file_error access_error = invalid_file # -- route list_file_members(ListFileMembersArg, SharedFileMembers, ListFileMembersError) "Use to obtain the members who have been invited to a file, both inherited and uninherited members." attrs owner = "sharing" allow_app_folder_app = true struct ListFileMembersArg "Arguments for :route:`list_file_members`." file PathOrId "The file for which you want to see members." actions List(MemberAction)? "The actions for which to return permissions on a member." include_inherited Boolean = true "Whether to include members who only have access from a parent shared folder." limit UInt32(min_value=1, max_value=300) = 100 "Number of members to return max per query. Defaults to 100 if no limit is specified." example default file = "id:3kmLmQFnf1AAAAAAAAAAAw" struct SharedFileMembers "Shared file user, group, and invitee membership. Used for the results of :route:`list_file_members` and :route:`list_file_members/continue`, and used as part of the results for :route:`list_file_members/batch`." users List(UserMembershipInfo) "The list of user members of the shared file." groups List(GroupMembershipInfo) "The list of group members of the shared file." invitees List(InviteeMembershipInfo) "The list of invited members of a file, but have not logged in and claimed this." cursor String? "Present if there are additional shared file members that have not been returned yet. Pass the cursor into :route:`list_file_members/continue` to list additional members." example default users = [default] groups = [default] invitees = [default] union ListFileMembersError "Error for :route:`list_file_members`." user_error SharingUserError access_error SharingFileAccessError # -- route list_file_members/batch(ListFileMembersBatchArg, List(ListFileMembersBatchResult), SharingUserError) "Get members of multiple files at once. The arguments to this route are more limited, and the limit on query result size per file is more strict. To customize the results more, use the individual file endpoint. Inherited users and groups are not included in the result, and permissions are not returned for this endpoint." attrs owner = "sharing" allow_app_folder_app = true struct ListFileMembersBatchArg "Arguments for :route:`list_file_members/batch`." files List(PathOrId, max_items=100) "Files for which to return members." limit UInt32(max_value=20) = 10 "Number of members to return max per query. Defaults to 10 if no limit is specified." example default files = ["id:3kmLmQFnf1AAAAAAAAAAAw","id:VvTaJu2VZzAAAAAAAAAADQ"] limit = 10 struct ListFileMembersBatchResult "Per-file result for :route:`list_file_members/batch`." file PathOrId "This is the input file identifier, whether an ID or a path." result ListFileMembersIndividualResult "The result for this particular file." example default file = "id:3kmLmQFnf1AAAAAAAAAAAw" result = default example member_error file = "id:3kmLmQFnf1AAAAAAAAAAAw" result = file_error struct ListFileMembersCountResult members SharedFileMembers "A list of members on this file." member_count UInt32 "The number of members on this file. This does not include inherited members." example default members = default member_count = 3 union ListFileMembersIndividualResult result ListFileMembersCountResult "The results of the query for this file if it was successful." access_error SharingFileAccessError "The result of the query for this file if it was an error." example default result = default example file_error access_error = invalid_file # -- route list_file_members/continue(ListFileMembersContinueArg, SharedFileMembers, ListFileMembersContinueError) "Once a cursor has been retrieved from :route:`list_file_members` or :route:`list_file_members/batch`, use this to paginate through all shared file members." attrs owner = "sharing" allow_app_folder_app = true struct ListFileMembersContinueArg "Arguments for :route:`list_file_members/continue`." cursor String "The cursor returned by your last call to :route:`list_file_members`, :route:`list_file_members/continue`, or :route:`list_file_members/batch`." example default cursor = "ZtkX9_EHj3x7PMkVuFIhwKYXEpwpLwyxp9vMKomUhllil9q7eWiAu" union ListFileMembersContinueError "Error for :route:`list_file_members/continue`." user_error SharingUserError access_error SharingFileAccessError invalid_cursor ":field:`ListFileMembersContinueArg.cursor` is invalid." # -- route list_received_files(ListFilesArg, ListFilesResult, SharingUserError) "Returns a list of all files shared with current user. Does not include files the user has received via shared folders, and does not include unclaimed invitations." attrs owner = "sharing" allow_app_folder_app = true struct ListFilesArg "Arguments for :route:`list_received_files`." limit UInt32(min_value=1, max_value=300) = 100 "Number of files to return max per query. Defaults to 100 if no limit is specified." actions List(FileAction)? "A list of `FileAction`s corresponding to `FilePermission`s that should appear in the response's :field:`SharedFileMetadata.permissions` field describing the actions the authenticated user can perform on the file." example default limit = 100 actions = [] struct ListFilesResult "Success results for :route:`list_received_files`." entries List(SharedFileMetadata) "Information about the files shared with current user." cursor String? "Cursor used to obtain additional shared files." example default entries = [default] cursor = "AzJJbGlzdF90eXBdofe9c3RPbGlzdGFyZ3NfYnlfZ2lkMRhcbric7Rdog9cmV2aXNpb24H3Qf6o1fkHxQ" # -- route list_received_files/continue (ListFilesContinueArg, ListFilesResult, ListFilesContinueError) "Get more results with a cursor from :route:`list_received_files`." attrs owner = "sharing" allow_app_folder_app = true struct ListFilesContinueArg "Arguments for :route:`list_received_files/continue`." cursor String "Cursor in :field:`ListFilesResult.cursor`." example default cursor = "AzJJbGlzdF90eXBdofe9c3RPbGlzdGFyZ3NfYnlfZ2lkMRhcbric7Rdog9emfGRlc2MCRWxpbWl0BGRId" union ListFilesContinueError "Error results for :route:`list_received_files/continue`." user_error SharingUserError "User account had a problem." invalid_cursor ":field:`ListFilesContinueArg.cursor` is invalid." # -- route remove_file_member(RemoveFileMemberArg, FileMemberActionIndividualResult, RemoveFileMemberError) deprecated by remove_file_member_2 "Identical to remove_file_member_2 but with less information returned." attrs owner = "sharing" allow_app_folder_app = true route remove_file_member_2(RemoveFileMemberArg, FileMemberRemoveActionResult, RemoveFileMemberError) "Removes a specified member from the file." attrs owner = "sharing" allow_app_folder_app = true struct RemoveFileMemberArg "Arguments for :route:`remove_file_member_2`." file PathOrId "File from which to remove members." member MemberSelector "Member to remove from this file. Note that even if an email is specified, it may result in the removal of a user (not an invitee) if the user's main account corresponds to that email address." example default file = "id:3kmLmQFnf1AAAAAAAAAAAw" member = default # -- route relinquish_file_membership(RelinquishFileMembershipArg, Void, RelinquishFileMembershipError) "The current user relinquishes their membership in the designated file. Note that the current user may still have inherited access to this file through the parent folder. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint." attrs owner = "sharing" allow_app_folder_app = true struct RelinquishFileMembershipArg file PathOrId "The path or id for the file." example default file = "id:3kmLmQFnf1AAAAAAAAAAAw" union RelinquishFileMembershipError access_error SharingFileAccessError group_access "The current user has access to the shared file via a group. You can't relinquish membership to a file shared via groups." no_permission "The current user does not have permission to perform this action." # -- route unshare_file(UnshareFileArg, Void, UnshareFileError) "Remove all members from this file. Does not remove inherited members." attrs owner = "sharing" api_group = "truelink-alpha" allow_app_folder_app = true struct UnshareFileArg "Arguments for :route:`unshare_file`." file PathOrId "The file to unshare." example default file = "id:3kmLmQFnf1AAAAAAAAAAAw" union UnshareFileError "Error result for :route:`unshare_file`." user_error SharingUserError access_error SharingFileAccessError example default user_error = email_unverified