namespace team import common # # Structs for devices/list_member_devices # struct ListMemberDevicesArg team_member_id String "The team's member id" include_web_sessions Boolean = true "Whether to list web sessions of the team's member" include_desktop_clients Boolean = true "Whether to list linked desktop devices of the team's member" include_mobile_clients Boolean = true "Whether to list linked mobile devices of the team's member" example default team_member_id="dbmid:AAFdgehTzw7WlXhZJsbGCLePe8RvQGYDr-I" struct DeviceSession session_id String "The session id" ip_address String? "The IP address of the last activity from this session" country String? "The country from which the last activity from this session was made" created common.DropboxTimestamp? "The time this session was created" updated common.DropboxTimestamp? "The time of the last activity from this session" # TODO(gal) - for mobile, camera uploads don't count for updated activity (See T25556 # for more context). This needs to be documented somewhere. struct ActiveWebSession extends DeviceSession "Information on active web sessions" user_agent String "Information on the hosting device" os String "Information on the hosting operating system" browser String "Information on the browser used for this web session" expires common.DropboxTimestamp? "The time this session expires" example default session_id = "dbwsid:AAFdgehTzw7WlXhZJsbGCLePe8RvQGYDr-I" ip_address = "" country = "United States" created = "2015-05-12T15:50:38Z" updated = "2015-05-12T15:51:22Z" user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/14.0.815.0 Safari/535.1" os = "Windows" browser = "Chrome" expires = "2015-05-13T15:51:22Z" union DesktopPlatform windows "Official Windows Dropbox desktop client" mac "Official Mac Dropbox desktop client" linux "Official Linux Dropbox desktop client" struct DesktopClientSession extends DeviceSession "Information about linked Dropbox desktop client sessions" host_name String "Name of the hosting desktop" client_type DesktopPlatform "The Dropbox desktop client type" client_version String "The Dropbox client version" platform String "Information on the hosting platform" is_delete_on_unlink_supported Boolean "Whether it's possible to delete all of the account files upon unlinking" example default session_id= "dbdsid:AAFdgehTzw7WlXhZJsbGCLePe8RvQGYDr-I" ip_address = "" country = "United States" created = "2015-05-12T15:50:38Z" updated = "2015-05-12T15:51:22Z" host_name = "Home_desktop" client_type = mac client_version = "3.9.19" platform = "Mac OS X 10.10.3" is_delete_on_unlink_supported = true union MobileClientPlatform iphone "Official Dropbox iPhone client" ipad "Official Dropbox iPad client" android "Official Dropbox Android client" windows_phone "Official Dropbox Windows phone client" blackberry "Official Dropbox Blackberry client" struct MobileClientSession extends DeviceSession "Information about linked Dropbox mobile client sessions" device_name String "The device name" client_type MobileClientPlatform "The mobile application type" client_version String? "The dropbox client version" os_version String? "The hosting OS version" last_carrier String? "last carrier used by the device" example default session_id = "dbmsid:AAFdgehTzw7WlXhZJsbGCLePe8RvQGYDr-I" ip_address = "" country = "United States" created = "2015-05-12T15:50:38Z" updated = "2015-05-12T15:51:22Z" device_name = "Iphone 6" client_type = iphone client_version = "3.9.5" os_version = "8.4" last_carrier = "Verizon" struct ListMemberDevicesResult active_web_sessions List(ActiveWebSession)? "List of web sessions made by this team member" desktop_client_sessions List(DesktopClientSession)? "List of desktop clients used by this team member" mobile_client_sessions List(MobileClientSession)? "List of mobile client used by this team member" union ListMemberDevicesError member_not_found "Member not found." # # Route: devices/list_member_devices # route devices/list_member_devices(ListMemberDevicesArg, ListMemberDevicesResult, ListMemberDevicesError) "List all device sessions of a team's member." attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx" # # Structs for devices/list_members_devices # struct ListMembersDevicesArg cursor String? "At the first call to the :route:`devices/list_members_devices` the cursor shouldn't be passed. Then, if the result of the call includes a cursor, the following requests should include the received cursors in order to receive the next sub list of team devices" include_web_sessions Boolean = true "Whether to list web sessions of the team members" include_desktop_clients Boolean = true "Whether to list desktop clients of the team members" include_mobile_clients Boolean = true "Whether to list mobile clients of the team members" struct MemberDevices "Information on devices of a team's member." team_member_id String "The member unique Id" web_sessions List(ActiveWebSession)? "List of web sessions made by this team member" desktop_clients List(DesktopClientSession)? "List of desktop clients by this team member" mobile_clients List(MobileClientSession)? "List of mobile clients by this team member" struct ListMembersDevicesResult devices List(MemberDevices) "The devices of each member of the team" has_more Boolean "If true, then there are more devices available. Pass the cursor to :route:`devices/list_members_devices` to retrieve the rest." cursor String? "Pass the cursor into :route:`devices/list_members_devices` to receive the next sub list of team's devices." union ListMembersDevicesError reset "Indicates that the cursor has been invalidated. Call :route:`devices/list_members_devices` again with an empty cursor to obtain a new cursor." # # Route: devices/list_members_devices # route devices/list_members_devices(ListMembersDevicesArg, ListMembersDevicesResult, ListMembersDevicesError) "List all device sessions of a team." attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx" # # Structs for devices/revoke_device_session # struct DeviceSessionArg session_id String "The session id" team_member_id String "The unique id of the member owning the device" struct RevokeDesktopClientArg extends DeviceSessionArg delete_on_unlink Boolean = false "Whether to delete all files of the account (this is possible only if supported by the desktop client and will be made the next time the client access the account)" union_closed RevokeDeviceSessionArg web_session DeviceSessionArg "End an active session" desktop_client RevokeDesktopClientArg "Unlink a linked desktop device" mobile_client DeviceSessionArg "Unlink a linked mobile device" union RevokeDeviceSessionError device_session_not_found "Device session not found." member_not_found "Member not found." # # Route: devices/revoke_device_session # route devices/revoke_device_session(RevokeDeviceSessionArg, Void, RevokeDeviceSessionError) "Revoke a device session of a team's member" attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx" # # structs for devices/revoke_device_session_batch # struct RevokeDeviceSessionBatchArg revoke_devices List(RevokeDeviceSessionArg) struct RevokeDeviceSessionStatus success Boolean "Result of the revoking request" error_type RevokeDeviceSessionError? "The error cause in case of a failure" struct RevokeDeviceSessionBatchResult revoke_devices_status List(RevokeDeviceSessionStatus) union RevokeDeviceSessionBatchError "" # # Route: devices/revoke_device_session_batch # route devices/revoke_device_session_batch(RevokeDeviceSessionBatchArg, RevokeDeviceSessionBatchResult, RevokeDeviceSessionBatchError) "Revoke a list of device sessions of team members" attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx" # # Deprecated endpoints # struct ListTeamDevicesArg cursor String? "At the first call to the :route:`devices/list_team_devices` the cursor shouldn't be passed. Then, if the result of the call includes a cursor, the following requests should include the received cursors in order to receive the next sub list of team devices" include_web_sessions Boolean = true "Whether to list web sessions of the team members" include_desktop_clients Boolean = true "Whether to list desktop clients of the team members" include_mobile_clients Boolean = true "Whether to list mobile clients of the team members" struct ListTeamDevicesResult devices List(MemberDevices) "The devices of each member of the team" has_more Boolean "If true, then there are more devices available. Pass the cursor to :route:`devices/list_team_devices` to retrieve the rest." cursor String? "Pass the cursor into :route:`devices/list_team_devices` to receive the next sub list of team's devices." union ListTeamDevicesError reset "Indicates that the cursor has been invalidated. Call :route:`devices/list_team_devices` again with an empty cursor to obtain a new cursor." route devices/list_team_devices(ListTeamDevicesArg, ListTeamDevicesResult, ListTeamDevicesError) deprecated by devices/list_members_devices "List all device sessions of a team." attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx"