namespace team import async import team_common # # Common types. # union_closed GroupAccessType "Role of a user in group." member "User is a member of the group, but has no special permissions." owner "User can rename the group, and add/remove members." example default member = null union_closed GroupSelector "Argument for selecting a single group, either by group_id or by external group ID." group_id team_common.GroupId "Group ID." group_external_id team_common.GroupExternalId "External ID of the group." example default group_id = "g:e2db7665347abcd600000000001a2b3c" union GroupSelectorError "Error that can be raised when :type:`GroupSelector` is used." group_not_found "No matching group found. No groups match the specified group ID." union GroupSelectorWithTeamGroupError extends GroupSelectorError "Error that can be raised when :type:`GroupSelector` is used and team groups are disallowed from being used." system_managed_group_disallowed "This operation is not supported on system-managed groups." union_closed GroupsSelector "Argument for selecting a list of groups, either by group_ids, or external group IDs." group_ids List(team_common.GroupId) "List of group IDs." group_external_ids List(String) "List of external IDs of groups." example default group_ids = ["g:e2db7665347abcd600000000001a2b3c", "g:111111147abcd6000000000222222c"] struct GroupMemberSelector "Argument for selecting a group and a single user." group GroupSelector "Specify a group." user UserSelectorArg "Identity of a user that is a member of :field:`group`." example default group = default user = default union GroupMemberSelectorError extends GroupSelectorWithTeamGroupError "Error that can be raised when :type:`GroupMemberSelector` is used, and the user is required to be a member of the specified group." member_not_in_group "The specified user is not a member of this group." struct GroupMembersSelector "Argument for selecting a group and a list of users." group GroupSelector "Specify a group." users UsersSelectorArg "A list of users that are members of :field:`group`." union GroupMembersSelectorError extends GroupSelectorWithTeamGroupError "Error that can be raised when :type:`GroupMembersSelector` is used, and the users are required to be members of the specified group." member_not_in_group "At least one of the specified users is not a member of the group." struct IncludeMembersArg return_members Boolean = true "Whether to return the list of members in the group. Note that the default value will cause all the group members to be returned in the response. This may take a long time for large groups." #################### # Group Info methods #################### struct GroupMemberInfo "Profile of group member, and role in group." profile MemberProfile "Profile of group member." access_type GroupAccessType "The role that the user has in the group." example default profile = default access_type = default struct GroupFullInfo extends team_common.GroupSummary "Full description of a group." members List(GroupMemberInfo)? "List of group members." created UInt64 "The group creation time as a UTC timestamp in milliseconds since the Unix epoch." example default group_name = "project launch" group_id = "g:e2db7665347abcd600000000001a2b3c" member_count = 5 group_management_type = user_managed members = [default] created = 1447255518000 # # route groups/list # struct GroupsListArg limit UInt32(min_value=1, max_value=1000) = 1000 "Number of results to return per call." example default limit = 100 struct GroupsListResult groups List(team_common.GroupSummary) cursor String "Pass the cursor into :route:`groups/list/continue` to obtain the additional groups." has_more Boolean "Is true if there are additional groups that have not been returned yet. An additional call to :route:`groups/list/continue` can retrieve them." example default groups = [default] cursor = "ZtkX9_EHj3x7PMkVuFIhwKYXEpwpLwyxp9vMKomUhllil9q7eWiAu" has_more = false route groups/list(GroupsListArg, GroupsListResult, Void) "Lists groups on a team. Permission : Team Information." attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx" # # route groups/list/continue # struct GroupsListContinueArg cursor String "Indicates from what point to get the next set of groups." example default cursor = "ZtkX9_EHj3x7PMkVuFIhwKYXEpwpLwyxp9vMKomUhllil9q7eWiAu" union GroupsListContinueError invalid_cursor "The cursor is invalid." route groups/list/continue(GroupsListContinueArg, GroupsListResult, GroupsListContinueError) "Once a cursor has been retrieved from :route:`groups/list`, use this to paginate through all groups. Permission : Team Information." attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx" # # route groups/get_info # union_closed GroupsGetInfoItem id_not_found String "An ID that was provided as a parameter to :route:`groups/get_info`, and did not match a corresponding group. The ID can be a group ID, or an external ID, depending on how the method was called." group_info GroupFullInfo "Info about a group." example default group_info = default alias GroupsGetInfoResult = List(GroupsGetInfoItem) union GroupsGetInfoError group_not_on_team "The group is not on your team." route groups/get_info(GroupsSelector, GroupsGetInfoResult, GroupsGetInfoError) "Retrieves information about one or more groups. Note that the optional field :field:`GroupFullInfo.members` is not returned for system-managed groups. Permission : Team Information." attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx" ########################## # Group management methods ########################## # # route groups/create # struct GroupCreateArg group_name String "Group name." group_external_id team_common.GroupExternalId? "The creator of a team can associate an arbitrary external ID to the group." group_management_type team_common.GroupManagementType? "Whether the team can be managed by selected users, or only by team admins." example default group_name = "Europe sales" group_external_id = "group-134" union GroupCreateError group_name_already_used "The requested group name is already being used by another group." group_name_invalid "Group name is empty or has invalid characters." external_id_already_in_use "The requested external ID is already being used by another group." system_managed_group_disallowed "System-managed group cannot be manually created." route groups/create(GroupCreateArg, GroupFullInfo, GroupCreateError) "Creates a new, empty group, with a requested name. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx" # # route groups/delete (async method) # union GroupDeleteError extends GroupSelectorWithTeamGroupError group_already_deleted "This group has already been deleted." route groups/delete(GroupSelector, async.LaunchEmptyResult, GroupDeleteError) "Deletes a group. The group is deleted immediately. However the revoking of group-owned resources may take additional time. Use the :route:`groups/job_status/get` to determine whether this process has completed. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx" # # route groups/update # struct GroupUpdateArgs extends IncludeMembersArg group GroupSelector "Specify a group." new_group_name String? "Optional argument. Set group name to this if provided." new_group_external_id team_common.GroupExternalId? "Optional argument. New group external ID. If the argument is None, the group's external_id won't be updated. If the argument is empty string, the group's external id will be cleared." new_group_management_type team_common.GroupManagementType? "Set new group management type, if provided." example default group = default new_group_name = "Europe west sales" new_group_external_id = "sales-234" new_group_management_type = company_managed union GroupUpdateError extends GroupSelectorWithTeamGroupError group_name_already_used "The requested group name is already being used by another group." group_name_invalid "Group name is empty or has invalid characters." external_id_already_in_use "The requested external ID is already being used by another group." route groups/update(GroupUpdateArgs, GroupFullInfo, GroupUpdateError) "Updates a group's name and/or external ID. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx" # # Structures common to groups/members/add and groups/members/remove # struct GroupMembersChangeResult "Result returned by :route:`groups/members/add` and :route:`groups/members/remove`." group_info GroupFullInfo "The group info after member change operation has been performed." async_job_id async.AsyncJobId "An ID that can be used to obtain the status of granting/revoking group-owned resources." example default group_info = default async_job_id = "99988877733388" # # route groups/members/add (async method) # struct MemberAccess "Specify access type a member should have when joined to a group." user UserSelectorArg "Identity of a user." access_type GroupAccessType "Access type." example default user = default access_type = default struct GroupMembersAddArg extends IncludeMembersArg group GroupSelector "Group to which users will be added." members List(MemberAccess) "List of users to be added to the group." example default group = default members = [default] union GroupMembersAddError extends GroupSelectorWithTeamGroupError duplicate_user "You cannot add duplicate users. One or more of the members you are trying to add is already a member of the group." group_not_in_team "Group is not in this team. You cannot add members to a group that is outside of your team." members_not_in_team List(String) "These members are not part of your team. Currently, you cannot add members to a group if they are not part of your team, though this may change in a subsequent version. To add new members to your Dropbox Business team, use the :route:`members/add` endpoint." users_not_found List(String) "These users were not found in Dropbox." user_must_be_active_to_be_owner "A suspended user cannot be added to a group as :field:`GroupAccessType.owner`." user_cannot_be_manager_of_company_managed_group List(String) "A company-managed group cannot be managed by a user." route groups/members/add(GroupMembersAddArg, GroupMembersChangeResult, GroupMembersAddError) "Adds members to a group. The members are added immediately. However the granting of group-owned resources may take additional time. Use the :route:`groups/job_status/get` to determine whether this process has completed. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx" # # route groups/members/remove (async method) # struct GroupMembersRemoveArg extends IncludeMembersArg group GroupSelector "Group from which users will be removed." users List(UserSelectorArg) "List of users to be removed from the group." example default group = default users = [default] union GroupMembersRemoveError extends GroupMembersSelectorError group_not_in_team "Group is not in this team. You cannot remove members from a group that is outside of your team." members_not_in_team List(String) "These members are not part of your team." users_not_found List(String) "These users were not found in Dropbox." route groups/members/remove(GroupMembersRemoveArg, GroupMembersChangeResult, GroupMembersRemoveError) "Removes members from a group. The members are removed immediately. However the revoking of group-owned resources may take additional time. Use the :route:`groups/job_status/get` to determine whether this process has completed. This method permits removing the only owner of a group, even in cases where this is not possible via the web client. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx" # # route groups/members/set_access_type # struct GroupMembersSetAccessTypeArg extends GroupMemberSelector access_type GroupAccessType "New group access type the user will have." return_members Boolean = true "Whether to return the list of members in the group. Note that the default value will cause all the group members to be returned in the response. This may take a long time for large groups." example default group = default user = default access_type = default union GroupMemberSetAccessTypeError extends GroupMemberSelectorError user_cannot_be_manager_of_company_managed_group "A company managed group cannot be managed by a user." route groups/members/set_access_type(GroupMembersSetAccessTypeArg, GroupsGetInfoResult, GroupMemberSetAccessTypeError) "Sets a member's access type in a group. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx" # # route groups/members/list # struct GroupsMembersListArg group GroupSelector "The group whose members are to be listed." limit UInt32(min_value=1, max_value=1000) = 1000 "Number of results to return per call." example default group = default limit = 100 struct GroupsMembersListResult members List(GroupMemberInfo) cursor String "Pass the cursor into :route:`groups/members/list/continue` to obtain additional group members." has_more Boolean "Is true if there are additional group members that have not been returned yet. An additional call to :route:`groups/members/list/continue` can retrieve them." example default members = [] cursor = "ZtkX9_EHj3x7PMkVuFIhwKYXEpwpLwyxp9vMKomUhllil9q7eWiAu" has_more = false route groups/members/list(GroupsMembersListArg, GroupsMembersListResult, GroupSelectorError) "Lists members of a group. Permission : Team Information." attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx" # # route groups/members/list/continue # struct GroupsMembersListContinueArg cursor String "Indicates from what point to get the next set of groups." example default cursor = "ZtkX9_EHj3x7PMkVuFIhwKYXEpwpLwyxp9vMKomUhllil9q7eWiAu" union GroupsMembersListContinueError invalid_cursor "The cursor is invalid." route groups/members/list/continue(GroupsMembersListContinueArg, GroupsMembersListResult, GroupsMembersListContinueError) "Once a cursor has been retrieved from :route:`groups/members/list`, use this to paginate through all members of the group. Permission : Team information." attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx" # # route groups/job_status/get # union GroupsPollError extends async.PollError access_denied "You are not allowed to poll this job." route groups/job_status/get(async.PollArg, async.PollEmptyResult, GroupsPollError) "Once an async_job_id is returned from :route:`groups/delete`, :route:`groups/members/add` , or :route:`groups/members/remove` use this method to poll the status of granting/revoking group members' access to group-owned resources. Permission : Team member management." attrs auth = "team" owner = "adminx"