cloudmount ===================== Linux util to Mount cloud drives **Table of Contents** - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Example](#example) - [Cloud services](#cloud-services) - [Google drive](#google-drive) - [Dropbox](#dropbox) - [Signals](#signals) #### Installation ```bash $ go get ``` #### Usage ```bash $ cloudmount -h cloudmount-0.4-5-gf01e8fb - built: 2017-07-17 05:09:51 UTC Usage: cloudmount [options] [] Source: can be json/yaml configuration file usually with credentials or cloud specific configuration Options: -d Run app in background -o string uid=1000,gid=1000,ro=false -r duration Timed cloud synchronization interval [if applied] (default 5s) -t string which cloud service to use [gdrive] (default "gdrive") -v Verbose log -vv Extra Verbose log -w string Work dir, path that holds configurations (default "$HOME/.cloudmount") ``` #### Example ```bash # will default source file to $HOME/.cloudmount/gdrive.yaml $ cloudmount -t gdrive /mnt/gdrive # or $ cloudmount -t dropbox dropbox.yaml /mnt/gdrive ``` **Source config** Configuration files/source can be written in following formats: * yaml * json #### Cloud services * Google Drive * Dropbox -------------- ### Google Drive Setup Google client secrets: > Turn on the Drive API > 1. Use [this wizard]( to create or select a project in the Google Developers Console and automatically turn on the API. Click Continue, then Go to credentials. > 2. On the Add credentials to your project page, click the Cancel button. > 3. At the top of the page, select the OAuth consent screen tab. Select an Email address, enter a Product name if not already set, and click the Save button. > 4. Select the Credentials tab, click the Create credentials button and select OAuth client ID. > 5. Select the application type Other, enter the name "Drive API Quickstart", and click the Create button. > 6. With the result dialog, copy clientID and client secret and create json file as shown in example (this can be retrieved any time by clicking on the api key) sample _gdrive.yaml_ config: ```yaml client_secret: client_id: *Client ID* client_secret: *Client Secret* ``` ```bash $ cloudmount gdrive.yaml $HOME/mntpoint ``` Also it's possible to create the yaml file in home directory as __$HOME/.cloudmount/gdrive.yaml__ if <source> parameter is omitted it will default to this file cloudmount gdrivefs will retrieve an oauth2 token and save in same file ### Dropbox Setup Dropbox client secrets: > 1. Click _Create App_ > 2. Select the API, type of access, and App name > 3. Use the values from _App key_ and _App secret_ sample _dropbox.yaml_ file: ```yaml client_secret: client_id: *App Key* client_secret: *App secret* ``` ```bash $ cloudmount -t dropbox savedfile.yaml /mnt/point ``` On the first run a link will appear and it will request a token resuling from the link -------------------- #### Signals Signal | Action | ex -------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------- USR1 | Refreshes directory tree from file system | killall -USR1 cloudmount HUP | Perform a GC and shows memory usage Works when its not running in daemon mode | killall -HUP cloudmount #### TODO & IDEAS: * Consider using * Create test suit to implement new packages * Caching: long term caching, maintain most used files locally until flush/change