strapdown.css 2.2 KB

  1. /*******************************************************************
  2. This chunk is to fix Bootstrap so that the Markdown output looks good
  3. *******************************************************************/
  4. body {
  5. padding-top: 60px;
  6. padding-bottom: 40px;
  7. font-size: 15px;
  8. line-height: 150%;
  9. }
  10. xmp, textarea {
  11. display: none;
  12. }
  13. h1,h2,h3,h4 {
  14. margin: 15px 0;
  15. }
  16. pre {
  17. margin: 20px 0;
  18. }
  19. img {
  20. margin: 10px 0;
  21. }
  22. .navbar {
  23. z-index: 1;
  24. }
  25. .table {
  26. width: auto;
  27. }
  28. /*******************************************************************
  29. This chunk is for Google's Code Prettify:
  31. *******************************************************************/
  32. /* Pretty printing styles. Used with prettify.js. */
  33. /* SPAN elements with the classes below are added by prettyprint. */
  34. .pln { color: #000 } /* plain text */
  35. @media screen {
  36. .str { color: #080 } /* string content */
  37. .kwd { color: #008 } /* a keyword */
  38. .com { color: #800 } /* a comment */
  39. .typ { color: #606 } /* a type name */
  40. .lit { color: #066 } /* a literal value */
  41. /* punctuation, lisp open bracket, lisp close bracket */
  42. .pun, .opn, .clo { color: #660 }
  43. .tag { color: #008 } /* a markup tag name */
  44. .atn { color: #606 } /* a markup attribute name */
  45. .atv { color: #080 } /* a markup attribute value */
  46. .dec, .var { color: #606 } /* a declaration; a variable name */
  47. .fun { color: red } /* a function name */
  48. }
  49. /* Use higher contrast and text-weight for printable form. */
  50. @media print, projection {
  51. .str { color: #060 }
  52. .kwd { color: #006; font-weight: bold }
  53. .com { color: #600; font-style: italic }
  54. .typ { color: #404; font-weight: bold }
  55. .lit { color: #044 }
  56. .pun, .opn, .clo { color: #440 }
  57. .tag { color: #006; font-weight: bold }
  58. .atn { color: #404 }
  59. .atv { color: #060 }
  60. }
  61. /* Put a border around prettyprinted code snippets. */
  62. pre.prettyprint { padding: 2px; border: 1px solid #888 }
  63. /* Specify class=linenums on a pre to get line numbering */
  64. ol.linenums { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 } /* IE indents via margin-left */
  65. li.L0,
  66. li.L1,
  67. li.L2,
  68. li.L3,
  69. li.L5,
  70. li.L6,
  71. li.L7,
  72. li.L8 { list-style-type: none }
  73. /* Alternate shading for lines */
  74. li.L1,
  75. li.L3,
  76. li.L5,
  77. li.L7,
  78. li.L9 { background: #eee }