### * A bug seems to exist that if module is stopped it keeps emitting events find a way to prevent events from being emitted if stopped * Global parameter conf key set listening port for http, public path register figure if use a public key set on manager or a simple module to handle configuration create a Load path method * Reduce the Context complexity having proper names * consider the command context for proper commandEntry, check restcli how its done * ### Done * Consider creating a contextual link for the possibility of modules add data to other modules but when one of those is removed it wont leave any traces, either by name (persistent) or ctx * Consider returning a events on context as in context.events.on('hci-http'); instead of context.on('hci-http'); context.events.on('hci-http:start'); context.manager.with('pak1','pak2').do().else(); * Possible bug, toggleOn if a module is registered, and unloaded, toggleOn remains? * transform this to a module and separate the app, as in remove index.js from starting manager * Create method to solve module name: manager.load(path); if( file == 'index.js') { pick last directory } else { path.basename(file,".js"); file without extension } * Analyse request as a express: created as regular expressions and matches ``` context.on('package:req:(.*)',(arr,e) => { e.match; }); ``` 'core-shell', emits core-shell:cmd:ls context.on(context, "cmd:{cmd}",(e) => { e.param.cmd }) * change start and stop to bundleStart and bundleStop, this way we can mix with other modules with methods named start and stop respectively * Do a performance check on the eventemitter, and check the profiler for eventual leaks Clearing require still seems to be problematic still checking * Separate loader commands into loader module that will use the core-cli * Add an else to manager.with or an err parameter at start of the ``` context.with(["prettyjson","bullshit"], function(err,prettyjson,bullshit) { if(err) return; }); ``` solution: created a special return type: context.width("entry","entry2").do(()=> { dependencies solved }).else(()=> { missing dependency });