var md; function startHLayoutEvents() { // Global mouse event; $(document).on('mousemove',function(e) { if(md == undefined) md = {x:e.clientX,y:e.clientY}; md.deltaX = e.clientX - md.x; md.deltaY = e.clientY - md.y; md.x = e.clientX; md.y = e.clientY; }); var $grab = undefined; $(document).on('mousedown','.hpane > header',function(e){ if(e.which != 1) return; if(!$(".hpane > header")) return; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $grab = $(this).parent(); $parent = $grab.parent(); var next = $; var origW = $grab.width(); var origH = $grab.height(); // Check if we are root? var dim = {w: $grab.width(), h: $grab.height()}; var pos = $grab.position(); $($grab).detach().appendTo('body').addClass("detached").addClass("moving").css({width:dim.w,height:dim.h}); $('.hpane:not(.detached)').addClass("discover"); // All childs to pointer event none if($'section')) { // We aren't $child = $parent.children('.hpane, section'); $child.attr('style',''); $child.css('flex-basis',$parent.css('flex-basis')); 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var curH = $(this).height(); var flex = 100 * curH / parentH; $(this).css({'flex-basis':flex + "%"}); }); $('section.vertical > section, section.vertical > .hpane').each(function() { var parentW = $(this).parent().width(); var curW = $(this).width(); var flex = 100 * curW / parentW; $(this).css({'flex-basis':flex + "%"}); }); } recalcFlex(); function checkAttach($target,e) { var tW = $target.width()/3; var tH = $target.height()/3; var targetPos = $target.offset(); var dim = { w: $target.width(), h: $target.height()}; var rPos = { x: e.pageX - targetPos.left, y: e.pageY -}; //Calc dists and check the closest one if(rPos.x > tW && rPos.x < dim.w - tW && rPos.y < tH) { // 1 Top return 1; } else if(rPos.x > tW && rPos.x < dim.w - tW && rPos.y > dim.h - tH){ // 3 Bottom return 3; } else if(rPos.x < tW) { // 2 Left return 2; } else if( rPos.x > dim.w - tW){ // 4 Right return 4; } return 0; } function removePreviews() { $('.attach-preview').hide(); } function previewPanel($grab,$target,attach) { $previewDiv = $(".attach-preview"); 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