A bug seems to exist that if module is stopped it keeps emitting events
find a way to prevent events from being emitted if stopped
Global parameter conf key set listening port for http, public path register figure if use a public key set on manager or a simple module to handle configuration create a Load path method
Reduce the Context complexity having proper names
consider the command context for proper commandEntry, check restcli how its done *
Consider creating a contextual link for the possibility of modules add data to other modules but when one of those is removed it wont leave any traces, either by name (persistent) or ctx
Consider returning a events on context as in context.events.on('hci-http');
instead of
context.on('hci-http'); context.events.on('hci-http:start'); context.manager.with('pak1','pak2').do().else();
Possible bug, toggleOn if a module is registered, and unloaded, toggleOn remains?
transform this to a module and separate the app, as in remove index.js from starting manager
Create method to solve module name: manager.load(path); if( file == 'index.js') {
pick last directory
} else {
path.basename(file,".js"); file without extension
Analyse request as a express: created as regular expressions and matches
context.on('package:req:(.*)',(arr,e) => {
'core-shell', emits core-shell:cmd:ls context.on(context, "cmd:{cmd}",(e) => { e.param.cmd })
change start and stop to bundleStart and bundleStop, this way we can mix with other modules with methods named start and stop respectively
Do a performance check on the eventemitter, and check the profiler for eventual leaks
Clearing require still seems to be problematic still checking
Separate loader commands into loader module that will use the core-cli
Add an else to manager.with or an err parameter at start of the
context.with(["prettyjson","bullshit"], function(err,prettyjson,bullshit) {
if(err) return;
solution: created a special return type: context.width("entry","entry2").do(()=> {
dependencies solved
}).else(()=> {
missing dependency